Does Your CV Pass the 10 Second Rule?

by | Candidate Advice

It can take hours and hours writing up the best CV and even longer amending it for the perfect role that you have just come across. However, whilst it may take you a lifetime to perfect your CV, the typical recruiter, hiring manager or HR representative spends less than 10-seconds reviewing your resume to consider if they want to read on or press the back key. So what can you do to stand out from the crowd and keep them reading?


There are so many expectations on how to correctly format your CV, and when you are trying to land your dream job you of course want to focus on showcasing your experience and skills. But without correct formatting, it is possible that the great content you have taken time to write will not even be read. Have a read of our article on formatting for more tips on this.

Personal Statement:

Don’t rush your personal statement to get straight to the main section of work experience. Think of this as a professional summary – it’s easy to focus on perfecting your experience, qualifications etc but your summary gives your potential employer a snippet of who you are beyond the CV and may be the deciding factor of them progressing you through to the next stage over someone with similar experience. As this will be the first thing that they will read, you want this to be professional yet engaging.

Tailor to the Company:

Your CV is not, nor should it be, one size fits all. You are unique as is the job you are applying for – so why shouldn’t your CV be as well? Tailor your CV to the specific role that you are applying for, win the employer over by showing them what they want to hear.