How to get a Tech Job with no experience….

by | Candidate Advice

Are you reconsidering your career? Or are you in college and weighing up if a Tech career is right for you?

As technology proceeds to grow, work within the industry may be a reasonable one for many people. Technology gives you the opportunity to develop in your career, as it’s a field with many sectors that give professionals the chance to grow their capabilities. The timing couldn’t be better. The industry is facing a massive shortage of workers, and, it offers great pay, amazing benefits, and lots of employment opportunities.

Here are 5 tips to help you get your foot in the door of the IT industry…

1.) Look at your past skills and see which are transferable to IT jobs

For instance, if you’re looking to start in a help desk position, things like communication, customer service, problem solving, and Microsoft Office skills, can be a huge boost to your CV. By carefully thinking about your past roles through the lens of the role you’d like to get, you may find lots of relevant experience.

2.) Complete an Internship

An internship can help you with the opportunity to gain even more experience in the industry. During an internship, you might need to complete a project or have a set of responsibilities that you can later showcase on your CV or speak about during an interview with a hiring manager. You’ll also gain lots of contacts who may refer you to jobs or write a letter of recommendation to a potential new employer.

3.) Get Tech qualified

Getting certified may be the fastest way to break into IT. While a tech degree can take 1-4 years, certifications can be studied for  in just a few weeks. There are many comparisons between getting a degree or earning certifications, but a degree isn’t necessary for entering the IT workforce at an entry level.

4.) Join Tech networking groups

When you join networking groups, you can learn from other professionals, attend conferences and networking events and possibly find a mentor who can help guide you through your career.

5.) Customise your CV to suit the job role

Although you may apply for multiple positions in the tech industry, remember that each company, hiring manager and role is different. Before submitting your CV, read over the job description again to make sure you understand the essence of the job role.