Support for Small Businesses to Recruit

by | Small Business Support

We at Russell King Associates work closely with local businesses to help meet their recruitment needs. We provide a tailored approach for small businesses to carry their business forward. When you have a small team every hire is important to keep your business growing. We have provided 5 steps to help you fill your vacancies easier with the right candidates….

Step 1

Devise a hiring plan with your team and know the budget you’ll need. It’s important to know the right skill set or qualifications needed for the role, understanding the role as thoroughly as possible will help you make better candidate matches.

Create a hiring timeline with milestones. Almost half of small businesses take about a month to make a hire from start to finish. Factor in that many candidates will need to give at least one months notice.

Step 2

If you advertise the role on job boards or LinkedIn, you can add screening questions. Screening questions are great at filtering out candidates that do not quite match the skills you are looking for.

Step 3

In the job description show off why the candidate should work for your company.

Small businesses have many benefits that large companies don’t have. For example a more unique, personal culture. Your business should attract candidates who feel like large companies are impersonal and difficult to progress or develop in.

Step 4

Be honest about career growth in your company.

You may not offer the same compensation as bigger companies, but you can offer a career growth path tailor made to the candidate and your businesses needs. Many ambitious candidates are eager for new experiences and skill sets, this could be the selling point to attract the right candidate for your role.

Step 5

Take into consideration working with a Recruitment company.

Recruitment agencies have access to a range of skilled jobseekers – at Russell King Associates, we have an up-to-date database of over 30000 CVs.

Many jobseekers don’t have time to search job boards. Instead, they use a recruiter that they can trust to find the right role. It’s our job to align candidates with the technical ability needed and that will fit into your company culture. We have a success rate of over 99%, thus having a long term hiring success.

We are a recruitment team that specialises in many fields from banking to the IT industry. We can understand your industry and will offer knowledge of market trends, salary levels, and the skills required to be successful in your industry. As we are also a small team of four we provide personal attention for our clients and candidates.

Recruitment agencies don’t just provide people, they provide talent and support to help businesses grow.

Small teams can still attract big talent

Small businesses may have a smaller budget and only a few people on your team, but you can still find the right candidates that will carry your company forward.