Let’s Talk About the ‘M’​ Word!

Let’s Talk About the ‘M’​ Word!

Menopause. We’re all familiar with the term but so few of us know what it entails. Around one in three of the UK workforce is over 50, a large proportion of which are women who are likely to go through the menopause transition during their working lives. So why do so...
Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

There are 7.6 million people of working age with a disability in the UK. Among these 7.6 million people are neurodiverse individuals who can provide invaluable talent to help you grow your business. The relatively new term of ‘neurodiversity’ can be described as ‘the...
The Real Cost of a Bad Recruitment Hire

The Real Cost of a Bad Recruitment Hire

In an ideal world there would not be any bad recruitment hires and everyone would have fantastic retention. However, recent statistics and reports put together by the Recruitment Employment Confederation (REC), Monster, Indeed and the Office for National Statistics...
Why Use a Recruitment Agency to Find Talent?

Why Use a Recruitment Agency to Find Talent?

Anyone who has ever been responsible for regularly recruiting staff will know how difficult the process can be. Defining job roles, advertising for applicants, screening candidates, and arranging interviews for shortlisted individuals, are all tasks that require a...